Tuesday, July 5, 2011


CORE Charter FFA needs your help!!!!

Were you in FFA before?
Do you believe in the future of Agriculture?
Do you like to help out?
Do you like FREE stuff?

If you answered YES to any of these questions than do we have something in store for you!!!

CORE FFA is looking for donors and sponsors.  With out your help and support the future generation of agriculturists and leaders would not have the ability to fully indulge in all the opportuniities out there for them.  By being a donor we will advertise in various ways for YOU!!!!  

If you are interested in donating go to http://www.corecharterffa.weebly.com/ and fill out a form on the documents page or contact me today!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


The theme of 2011 is discover your "Infinite Potential"  that is exactly what we will strive to do this year!!!

Join the CORE Charter FFA blog and stay tuned for updates, news, and exciting things to come!